Reading books help me to gain knowledge, find inspiration and escape reality for a short while. I can say I never feel like i waste time reading.

As a friend, I wouldn’t advice to stop reading. Infact i could read 3-5 books in a week. I was that addicted too. But now 1-2 books per week and I wasn’t as consistent as i was. Just be conscious about how you spend your time reading consistently.

By the way, i enjoyed this particular piece. Writing always go with reading and i noticed the more you read, the more you have the urge to write and I’ll advise to always write.

Lastly, your writing speaks more about you as an individual and the story you wish to tell. I think thats why i like your newsletter. So be consciously consistent because I’ll be the same.

P.s Bawo ni?

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Holla, Tola 👋.

How have you been and how's your programming learning path going. It's been a while you wrote here. Abi you sef don japa comot for naija 😅.

About reading, I don't really read books that much except they are very relevant and I think it's because I have this belief that reading books especially non fiction are just a better way of wasting my time 😅 although I planned to read more this year.

Since you felt that you're wasting too much time on reading, I'd suggest you try to think about the books that are of your interests and that applies to your life currently.

Nice writeup as always.

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I which I could go back to reading for leisure. But I just don't have the time for it again. Adulthood will not allow me. 😅. And it has been long since I read your notes. How have you been?

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Could this just be like me. I lost my reading flair circa 2020 and I've not still been able to get it back till now. I try to read of course, but I have not been able to immerse myself in a book like I used to and I loose concentration easily. It now seems like too much work.

Perhaps that might be one of the reasons life has seemed incomplete, as reading was the biggest part of my formative years. I just hope one day I get it back.

Nice to hear from you again, its been long I got a notification of your posts

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